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Healthy, Active Living & the Defensive Stance


I got some work to do, so this is a short post (I promise).  And, by work - I mean, I have a date with yogaglo. Recently, I find myself defending the way I live my life...a lot.  I am asked to defend my behaviors in many places and to many people.  It's not uncommon for me to be asked (many days in row):

Why don't you live a little?


You should know, I operated under the assumption that "kindness rules".  I swear.

So, I bet you think the title of this post was referring to the defensive stance one might learn in athletics?  Nope. Nada. I'm talking about the way I find myself defending my actions to try and live and eat a little sustainable, a lot healthy, and as a way to decrease the amount of time on the earth I have to to be independent and feel good.
To be clear, I don't judge those of you who aren't making the same choices I am making.  I don't judge you at all.  In fact, I probably like you a lot and find you very interesting.  What I will judge, however, is having to defend my choices.  If you must know, I will admit that I:

  1. Spend a lot of time chopping vegetables and cooking.
  2. Plan meals for the week so that we can live healthily.
  3. Get up very early to run or workout during nap time so that my kids aren't excuses for me to sweat.
  4. Walked away from a tenure track job (that I was receiving amazing reviews in) b